Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cannabis and Marijuana are the same things

Cannabis has three types of seeds. One of them is feminized seeds which do not have a male part and independently can produce 95% plus female yield. In many countries, rules and regulations have been made to regulate its usage as it contains some medical benefits besides its drug quality. While buying online people should be careful because there are high chances to get cheated due to insufficient knowledge.

Autoflowering seeds can be grown in same weather conditions as feminized seeds. They are produced in short summer areas and they take a short period of time for being mature. These plants are generally smaller and shorter in size. Northern Europe, China, Russia, Mongolia, and neighboring countries are the main producers of this type of crops. if you are going to Marijuana Seeds you need to know some facts about it like how it is grown, how many types of it and which are the reliable sources to buy it? Only an expert reader can provide you the best quality seeds.

This is the basic seed form of cannabis seeds. This Marijuana seed needs a male and a female parent to grow. Three types of seed involve feminized seeds that contain a higher level of active cannabinoids CBD which is used for medical purpose, auto-flowering seeds that when crossed with Indica and Sativa plants results in high THC level.

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