Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Purple queen is a THC Seeds variety. It is loud and lovely seed

THC Seeds are those which contain a high concentration of THC in its plant variety. This ensures an amazing and overwhelming consumption experience for the seed user. Here are some most powerful strains with unusually high THC levels.

Fat Banana

Fat Banana is a tasty, delicious and mouth-watering hybrid. It is sweet and fruity in its flavor. It is high in THC and contains 25% or more of its quantity while the CBD level is low. It is like dessert cannabis especially for those people THC Seeds who want a heavy indica strain with unique aromas and flavors and power. It is grown in 7-8 weeks. It contains 50% Sativa and Indica each. It is harvested in the season of late September. Its yields are measured to be 450-500g per plant and are dried.

Purple Queen

It has a vibrant color and lush lavender texture. It develops into a flower and foliage. Its earthy, and citrus fragrance spreads in the environment and surroundings and creates an amazing perfume-like fragrance in the air. The THC levels in this variety are as high as 22% and can go up to 25% approximately. However, it is low in CBD. It takes around 7-8 weeks to be grown and harvested in October. It contains around 25% Sativa, 75% Indica, and no amount of Ruderalis. Its yields are found to be around 450-500g per plant and they are dried. The plant grows up to a height of 80-120cm.

It is reported that some producers have crossed the low THC level seeds cannabis

Cannabis seeds are obtained from a dioecious plant. They contain male and female reproductive organs in individual plants. The cannabis seeds need a good environment and growing conditions to reach their full potential. They can be grown indoors or outdoors. Most of the variety of cannabis plants start their blooming cycle when the time in which they get exposed to light reduces to around 12 to 14 hours a day. The size and age of the cannabis plant do not matter here.

of Ruderalis with other stronger varieties to create the automatically blooming strains. These strains produce the Indica, Sativa, and hybrid-like cannabis flowers which start flowering when they reach their maturity period. This is especially desired in the northern climate areas where the summer season is usually short and the winter and cold weather arrives early and stays for long. The automatically flowering strains can be seen in the early springtime. It blooms in the longest days of summertime to get an advantage from the light available in high quality.

Where can you get Cannabis seeds?

Cannabis seeds can be bought through online seed banks. Many of them are situated in the states of the UK, Spain, Canada, and the Netherlands. In these countries, the rules and laws on the procurement and sale of cannabis seeds are not very strict as compared to other countries. While it is not legal to bring cannabis seeds in the US and their customs department will procure and seize all of it if found with any person.